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Advanced level - Quiz: 27
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":512,"list":"bee-adv","page":27,"pages":43,"pagesize":12},"DataListItems":[{"i":313,"k":"Raucous","v":"is harsh or strident. "},{"i":314,"k":"Ravenous","v":"means extremely hungry. "},{"i":315,"k":"Recalcitrant","v":"means resisting authority. "},{"i":316,"k":"Redoubtable","v":"is that that is to be feared; formidable. "},{"i":317,"k":"Regurgitate","v":"is to surge or rush back. "},{"i":318,"k":"Reparable","v":"is capable of being repaired. "},{"i":319,"k":"Repartee","v":"is a quick, witty reply. "},{"i":320,"k":"Repugn","v":"is to oppose or refute. "},{"i":321,"k":"Reticent","v":"is someone disposed to be silent or not to speak freely. "},{"i":322,"k":"Reveille","v":"is a signal to alert military personal to arise. "},{"i":323,"k":"Rheumatism","v":"is a disorder of the extremities or back, characterized by stiffness. "},{"i":324,"k":"Rhinoceros","v":"is a large African animal. "}]}