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All quizzes are based on words from Spelling Bee competition.
Advanced level - Quiz: 43
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":512,"list":"bee-adv","page":43,"pages":43,"pagesize":12},"DataListItems":[{"i":505,"k":"Xylose","v":"is a colorless crystalline sugar. "},{"i":506,"k":"Ytrium","v":"is a rare metallic element. "},{"i":507,"k":"Yurt","v":"is a tentlike dwelling of the Mongols. "},{"i":508,"k":"Zephyr","v":"is a gentle breeze. "},{"i":509,"k":"Zinciferous","v":"means yielding or containing zinc. "},{"i":510,"k":"Zoanthropy","v":"(zoo) is a mental disorder in which one believes oneself to be an animal. "},{"i":511,"k":"Zoopraxiscope","v":"is an early motion projector. "},{"i":512,"k":"Zucchetto","v":"is a skullcap worn by Roman Catholic ecclesiastics."}]}