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Advanced level - Quiz: 8
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":512,"list":"bee-adv","page":8,"pages":43,"pagesize":12},"DataListItems":[{"i":85,"k":"Demagoguery","v":"are methods or practices of a demagogue. "},{"i":86,"k":"Demesne","v":"is possession of land as one's own. "},{"i":87,"k":"Demitasse","v":"is a small cup for serving strong black coffee. "},{"i":88,"k":"Desiccate","v":"is to dry thoroughly. "},{"i":89,"k":"Dhow","v":"is a sailing vessel used by Arabs. "},{"i":90,"k":"Diaphanous","v":"means very sheer and light. "},{"i":91,"k":"Dilettante","v":"is a person who takes up an occupation as an amusement. "},{"i":92,"k":"Dinghy","v":"is a small boat designed as a lifeboat. "},{"i":93,"k":"Dispossess","v":"is to put a person out of a possession, esp. property. "},{"i":94,"k":"Dormouse","v":"is a small rodent resembling a small squirrel. "},{"i":95,"k":"Doubloon","v":"is a former gold coin of Spain. "},{"i":96,"k":"Dysentery","v":"is an infectious disease. "}]}