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All quizzes are based on words from Spelling Bee competition.
Beginner level - Quiz: 22
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":499,"list":"bee-beg","page":22,"pages":42,"pagesize":12},"DataListItems":[{"i":253,"k":"Leopard","v":"is a large, spotted cat of Asia or Africa. "},{"i":254,"k":"Lesion","v":"is an injury; hurt; wound. "},{"i":255,"k":"Levy","v":"is an imposing or collecting, as a tax, by force or authority. "},{"i":256,"k":"Liaison","v":"is the contact maintained between groups to insure concerted action or cooperation. "},{"i":257,"k":"Libelous","v":"is maliciously defamatory. "},{"i":258,"k":"Lieutenant","v":"is a military rank. "},{"i":259,"k":"Lightning","v":"is a brilliant electric spark discharge. "},{"i":260,"k":"Limousine","v":"is a large, luxurious car, especially one driven by a chauffeur. "},{"i":261,"k":"Liquor","v":"is a distilled or spiritous beverage. "},{"i":262,"k":"Loge","v":"in a theater is the front section of the lowest balcony. "},{"i":263,"k":"Lubricant","v":"is a substance for lessening friction. "},{"i":264,"k":"Lucid","v":"means easily understood; completely understandable. "}]}