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All quizzes are based on words from Spelling Bee competition.
Beginner level - Quiz: 3
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":499,"list":"bee-beg","page":3,"pages":42,"pagesize":12},"DataListItems":[{"i":25,"k":"Butte","v":"is an isolated hill or mountain rising abruptly. "},{"i":26,"k":"Cache","v":"is a hiding place. "},{"i":27,"k":"Calendar","v":"is a table of days and weeks in a year. "},{"i":28,"k":"Camaraderie","v":"is good fellowship. "},{"i":29,"k":"Campaign","v":"is a military operation for a specific objective. "},{"i":30,"k":"Canvass","v":"is to solicit votes. "},{"i":31,"k":"Carafe","v":"is a wide-mouthed bottle used to serve beverages. "},{"i":32,"k":"Caribou","v":"is a large, North American deer. "},{"i":33,"k":"Cataclysm","v":"is any violent upheaval. "},{"i":34,"k":"Caterpillar","v":"is the larva of a butterfly or moth. "},{"i":35,"k":"Cellist","v":"is a person who plays a cello. "},{"i":36,"k":"Cemetery","v":"is a place set apart for graves or tombs. "}]}