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All quizzes are based on words from Spelling Bee competition.
Intermediate level - Quiz: 10
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":492,"list":"bee-int","page":10,"pages":41,"pagesize":12},"DataListItems":[{"i":109,"k":"Idyll","v":"is a composition, usually describing pastoral scenes or any appealing incident, or the like. "},{"i":110,"k":"Iguana","v":"is a large lizard native to Central and South America. "},{"i":111,"k":"Imperceptible","v":"is very slight, gradual or subtle. "},{"i":112,"k":"Impetuous","v":"is characterized by sudden or rash action. "},{"i":113,"k":"Impossible","v":"means not possible or unable to be done. "},{"i":114,"k":"Impromptu","v":"means done without previous preparation. "},{"i":115,"k":"Incidence","v":"means the rate of change or occurrence. "},{"i":116,"k":"Indicator","v":"is a person or thing that indicates. "},{"i":117,"k":"Infallible","v":"is absolutely trustworthy or sure. "},{"i":118,"k":"Inferior","v":"is lower in station, rank or degree. "},{"i":119,"k":"Insurgence","v":"is an act of rebellion. "},{"i":120,"k":"Interfere","v":"is to meddle in the affairs of others. "}]}