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All quizzes are based on words from Spelling Bee competition.
Intermediate level - Quiz: 16
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":492,"list":"bee-int","page":16,"pages":41,"pagesize":12},"DataListItems":[{"i":181,"k":"Nickel","v":"is a coin of the U.S., 20 of which make a dollar. "},{"i":182,"k":"Nickelodeon","v":"is an early motion-picture theater. "},{"i":183,"k":"Nomenclature","v":"are names or terms comprising a set or system. "},{"i":184,"k":"Nonchalant","v":"is coolly unconcerned, unexcited. "},{"i":185,"k":"Nonpareil","v":"is having no equal. "},{"i":186,"k":"Noxious","v":"is harmful or injurious to health. "},{"i":187,"k":"Nuance","v":"is a subtle difference in meaning. "},{"i":188,"k":"Nucleus","v":"is the core. "},{"i":189,"k":"Nuisance","v":"is an obnoxious or annoying person. "},{"i":190,"k":"Nuptial","v":"is of or pertaining to marriage or the ceremony. "},{"i":191,"k":"Nylons","v":"are stockings worn by women. "},{"i":192,"k":"Obnoxious","v":"is highly objectionable or offensive. "}]}