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All quizzes are based on words from Spelling Bee competition.
Intermediate level - Quiz: 37
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":492,"list":"bee-int","page":37,"pages":41,"pagesize":12},"DataListItems":[{"i":433,"k":"Thesis","v":"is a proposition put forth to be considered. "},{"i":434,"k":"Thigh","v":"is between the hip and the knee. "},{"i":435,"k":"Thimble","v":"is a small cap, worn over the fingertip to protect it when pushing a needle through a cloth in sewing. "},{"i":436,"k":"Third","v":"is next after the second. "},{"i":437,"k":"Thistle","v":"is a prickly plant. "},{"i":438,"k":"Thorough","v":"is executed without negligence or omissions. "},{"i":439,"k":"Thumb","v":"is the short, thick inner digit of the human hand. "},{"i":440,"k":"Tier","v":"is one of a series of rows rising one behind or above another. "},{"i":441,"k":"Tinsel","v":"is a glittering, metallic substance, usually in strips. "},{"i":442,"k":"Titanic","v":"meaning gigantic. "},{"i":443,"k":"Titlist","v":"is a titleholder, champion. "},{"i":444,"k":"Tobacco","v":"is the plant used in making cigarettes. "}]}