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All quizzes are based on words from Spelling Bee competition.
Advanced level - Quiz: 35
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":512,"list":"bee-adv","page":35,"pages":43,"pagesize":12},"DataListItems":[{"i":409,"k":"Tachymeter","v":"is an instrument to rapidly determine distances. "},{"i":410,"k":"Taciturn","v":"means inclined to silence. "},{"i":411,"k":"Tactician","v":"is a person who is adept at planning tactics. "},{"i":412,"k":"Taffeta","v":"is a medium- or light-weight fabric. "},{"i":413,"k":"Talisman","v":"is an object that is supposed to possess powers. "},{"i":414,"k":"Tallow","v":"is the fatty tissue of animals. "},{"i":415,"k":"Talon","v":"is the claw of a bird of prey. "},{"i":416,"k":"Tamarind","v":"is the pod of a large tropical tree. "},{"i":417,"k":"Tamburitza","v":"is a mandolinlike instrument of southern Slavic regions. "},{"i":418,"k":"Tanager","v":"is a songbird found in North America. "},{"i":419,"k":"Tankard","v":"is a large drinking cup. "},{"i":420,"k":"Tapir","v":"is a three-toed animal resembling a pig in Central and South America. "}]}