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All quizzes are based on words from Spelling Bee competition.
Beginner level - Quiz: 26
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":499,"list":"bee-beg","page":26,"pages":42,"pagesize":12},"DataListItems":[{"i":301,"k":"Miserable","v":"is very unhappy, uneasy or uncomfortable. "},{"i":302,"k":"Mistletoe","v":"is a plant used in Christmas decorations. "},{"i":303,"k":"Moccasin","v":"is a heeless shoe made entirely of soft leather. "},{"i":304,"k":"Moderator","v":"is a person who presides over a discussion. "},{"i":305,"k":"Modify","v":"is to alter partially, to amend. "},{"i":306,"k":"Molasses","v":"is a thick syrup produced during the refining of sugar. "},{"i":307,"k":"Monarch","v":"is a hereditary sovereign. "},{"i":308,"k":"Monitor","v":"is a student appointed to assisted in the conduct of a class. "},{"i":309,"k":"Monopoly","v":"is exclusive control of a commodity of service in a particular market. "},{"i":310,"k":"Morale","v":"is emotional or mental condition with respect to confidence, especially in the face of hardship. "},{"i":311,"k":"Mortgage","v":"is a conveyance of an interest in property as security for the repayment of money borrowed. "},{"i":312,"k":"Mosquito","v":"is an insect that bites, some passing on certain diseases. "}]}