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All quizzes are based on words from Spelling Bee competition.
Beginner level - Quiz: 34
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":499,"list":"bee-beg","page":34,"pages":42,"pagesize":12},"DataListItems":[{"i":397,"k":"Quartz","v":"is one of the most common minerals. "},{"i":398,"k":"Quash","v":"is to put down or suppress. "},{"i":399,"k":"Queer","v":"is strange or odd. "},{"i":400,"k":"Quirk","v":"is a peculiarity. "},{"i":401,"k":"Raccoon","v":"is an animal with a mask-like stripe across the eyes. "},{"i":402,"k":"Racquetball","v":"is a game similar to handball, but played with a racquet. "},{"i":403,"k":"Raise","v":"is to move to a higher position. "},{"i":404,"k":"Ramble","v":"is to wander around in an aimless manner. "},{"i":405,"k":"Rapport","v":"is relation or connection. "},{"i":406,"k":"Rapture","v":"is ecstatic joy or delight. "},{"i":407,"k":"Ravine","v":"is a narrow, steep-sided valley. "},{"i":408,"k":"Razor","v":"is an instrument used for shaving. "}]}