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All quizzes are based on words from Spelling Bee competition.
Intermediate level - Quiz: 2
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":492,"list":"bee-int","page":2,"pages":41,"pagesize":12},"DataListItems":[{"i":13,"k":"Archetype","v":"(arkitype) is the original model. "},{"i":14,"k":"Avenge","v":"is to exact satisfaction for. "},{"i":15,"k":"Babushka","v":"is a woman's scarf. "},{"i":16,"k":"Baccalaureate","v":"is a religious service held before commencement day. "},{"i":17,"k":"Balalaika","v":"is a Russian musical instrument. "},{"i":18,"k":"Baroque","v":"pertains to architecture and art from 17th century Italy. "},{"i":19,"k":"Barracuda","v":"is a long, predaceous fish. "},{"i":20,"k":"Bayou","v":"is a marshy arm of a river, usually sluggish or stagnant. "},{"i":21,"k":"Beleaguer","v":"is to surround with troubles. "},{"i":22,"k":"Belligerence","v":"is a hostile attitude. "},{"i":23,"k":"Beret","v":"is a soft, visorless cap. "},{"i":24,"k":"Bivouac","v":"is a military encampment. "}]}