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All quizzes are based on words from Spelling Bee competition.
Intermediate level - Quiz: 3
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":492,"list":"bee-int","page":3,"pages":41,"pagesize":12},"DataListItems":[{"i":25,"k":"Blithe","v":"is joyous, glad or cheerful. "},{"i":26,"k":"Boatswain","v":"is a warrant officer on a warship. "},{"i":27,"k":"Bourgeois","v":"is to be a member of the middle class. "},{"i":28,"k":"Boutique","v":"is a small shop within a larger store. "},{"i":29,"k":"Boutonniere","v":"is a flower worn by a man in his lapel. "},{"i":30,"k":"Boysenberry","v":"is a blackberry-like fruit. "},{"i":31,"k":"Buoy","v":"is a float used to mark a water channel. "},{"i":32,"k":"Cabaret","v":"is a restaurant providing food, drink and music. "},{"i":33,"k":"Calisthenics","v":"are gymnastic exercises. "},{"i":34,"k":"Callous","v":"is hard or indifferent. "},{"i":35,"k":"Camouflage","v":"is hiding oneself from one's enemy. "},{"i":36,"k":"Cannoneer","v":"is an artilleryman. "}]}