Functions of Nouns in sentences

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An Object Complement(Objective complements) is a noun that completes or adds to the meaning of the direct object.

Object Complements usually follow the noun (or nouns) they modify and used when the direct object would not make complete sense by itself.

An Object Complement answers the question "What?" after Direct Object

In the following examples, Direct Object is underlined and Object Complement shown in color.

  • The country elected Mr. Smith president.
    - The country elected Mr. Smith what?
  • Mr. Smith appointed Mr. Brook Governor.
    - Mr. Smith appointed Mr. Brook what?
  • My sister called the salesperson charlatan and a fraud.
  • She considered the car a lemon.
  • The parents named the girl Sandy.
  • My neighbor calls Michael Jackson a great singer.

Note how object complement adds information central to the meaning of the sentence and makes the sentences grammatically correct and complete.